Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Capt RN Gupta VrC

Sent: Monday, February 4, 2019 9:52
Subject: Fw: [28th-Course-NDA] Re: Homage to 5169 F Capt RN Gupta VrC


Please see below, the exchange of mails with Lt Gen BT Pandit, PVSM, VrC (Retd). He retired as AG, and has been a resident of Salunke Vihar, Pune, since.

He was my GOC at 25 Inf Div, 1980, when I was commanding the Sig Regt there, and we have been in regular contact thereafter.

As you can see below, I learnt only recently that he was the CO of 9 Engr Regt, dear RN Gupta’s unit, during the 1971 War.

I’m sure you’ll appreciate the account of valour displayed by RN Gupta during those fateful days, as enunciated by him.

Thanks, and best wishes.

Regards, Manohar

Sent: Monday, February 4, 2019 9:26
To: bt pandit
Subject: Re: [28th-Course-NDA] Re: Homage to 5169 F Capt RN Gupta VrC

Dear Sir,
Thank you very much.
 And, congratulations, once again, for your Vir Chakra! We always knew about it, but the memory got refreshed now.
 Best wishes.
 Regards, Manohar

From: bt pandit
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2019 8:36
Subject: Re: [28th-Course-NDA] Re: Homage to 5169 F Capt RN Gupta VrC

Dear Manohar ,
         Thanks . Do feel free to circulate my mail to all your coursemates . 

Sent: Monday, February 4, 2019 8:09
To: bt pandit
Subject: Re: [28th-Course-NDA] Re: Homage to 5169 F Capt RN Gupta VrC

Dear Sir,

Thank you for such a wonderful and detailed response! Mighty pleased to learn of the terrific actions taken by you and RN Gupta, and some others.
 I would love to share your mail with my course-mates, and seek your approval for that.
 Best wishes.
 Regards, Manohar

From: bt pandit
Sent: Sunday, February 3, 2019 21:47
Subject: Re: Fw: [28th-Course-NDA] Re: Homage to 5169 F Capt RN Gupta VrC

Dear  Manohar  
          Many thanks for your e-mail & precious photographs . Am delighted to note that the 28th NDA & 37 th IMA are
so proud of our hero & taking lead to ensure that his legacy is well preserved &enduring . 
          Willy nilly , your mail activated my dormant memory bank & the initial trickle soon became a torrent . My last living
encounter with him was at about 0200 hrs on 16 Dec 71 . By then , we had finished induction of armr into the BrH & 
Fech vehs was in progress . In the mean time  the br H bn 16 Madras had suffered very hy cas . The CO ( a close friend 
Col Ghai one course sr to me )was grievously wounded . I wished to see him & young RNG volunteered to accompany
me through intense shelling , firing of all weapon . Pak tps were liberal in use of battelfd illumination . Alas , When we reached
it was already too late . The scene was horrendous with over hundred cas all around, quite a few living needing immediate 1st aid 
& evac . I stayed on till a sr major took charge & we returned to our respective stations & jobs . And that was the last I saw of 
young RNG . He deserved his VrC everybit . he is & for eternity will remain an icon in our  9 Engr  Regt . later I escorted his father at the 
investiture ceremony . My emotions then were perhaps  the same as his biological father .
         A  small aside . both us were fond of basketball. For me this sweating out was the way to handle comd stress . RNG used to 
keep informal count of how many times he basketed compared to mine . Last count was a few in his favour . 
         I was indeed a blessed CO . what a team I had ! 
         Well , I need to close the flood gates & get back down to earth  .
         Good to hear from Mohinder Mahajan & his good lady Sudha . I also well  rememeber that a bty fromAlagh`s lt regt 
was in direct sp of my Regt during defensive phase . I forget the bty cdr" s name ( i may be forgiven at my age ) , but he was the first to info 
me of the Pak preemptive airstrikes at about 1800 hrs on 3 Dec 71 .
         Can go on & on . But will close with two bits of advice . Keep up the course spirit & nurture old friendships . and take care of your health
; mental & physical .
         all the best 
                Gen Pandit 

Sent: Saturday, February 2, 2019 23:19
To: bt pandit
Subject: Fw: [28th-Course-NDA] Re: Homage to 5169 F Capt RN Gupta VrC

Dear Sir,
I just learnt the other day from Maj Gen Rajan Thadani (I am adding him at CC above) that our course mate, Capt RN Gupta VrC (RIP), served under you when you were commanding 9 Engr Regt in the 1971 War.
Just for your info, I am forwarding the mails about his grave, exchanged amongst course-mates.
Sorry that the trail is long.

May the soul of RN Gupta rest in eternal peace.

Regards, Manohar


Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2018 13:15
Subject: Re: [28th-Course-NDA] Re: Homage to 5169 F Capt RN Gupta VrC

Dear KK,

Grateful to you and your battalion for this touching tribute to RN. 

He spoke to me in Samba, a few days before the cease fire. We decided, we will meet me after the cease fire, and connect with his folks in Delhi. 
The memory that we could not meet - still haunts me. 

Warm Regards,
Lt Col Ranjan Kumar Kakar,
Mobile # +919811169369

Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2018 0:20
Subject: Re: [28th-Course-NDA] Re: Homage to 5169 F Capt RN Gupta VrC [2 Attachments]

Great work done by Vivek and relenless pursuit by Mohinder,KK and others.

Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2018 10:55
Subject: Re: [28th-Course-NDA] Re: Homage to 5169 F Capt RN Gupta VrC

Dear All,
So very touched to see the amount of effort and dedication in getting RN Gupta`s memorial done up and thereby bringing back memories of him. I knew him from our YO days at CME, and thereafter when the 28th NDA/37th IMA course were doing their degree course. I was newly married and posted at BEG and we used to often land up at CME to meet up with coursemates. He was indeed handsome and intelligent, and was quite a lad among the young ladies in Pune!
May his soul continue to rest in peace...God bless
Brig Pradip Mehta,VSM(Retd)
+91 9810978174

Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2018 9:20
Subject: Re: [28th-Course-NDA] Re: Homage to 5169 F Capt RN Gupta VrC

late RN, Thank you Vivek, Mohinder and all CMs for doing what you did for preserving the memory of Dear RN

Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2018 7:32
To: kk nanda
Subject: Re: [28th-Course-NDA] Homage to 5169 F Capt RN Gupta VrC

Dear Coursemates

I was posted in  RN's unit 9 Engineer Regiment in 1982 and decided  to go thru some old records of  RN  who had been my neighbor  at CME during my Engineering degree  couse and also in Foxtrot Sqn at NDA. 

I found a photo and painted a portrait  which  still hangs in the 9 ER Officers Mess.

It was such a coincidence  that in1986 I got posted to Jammu. I started looking for RNs resting place. I went to the Garrison  Church to check their records of burials but they had none!!! But at the Garrison  Cemetery I thought I  might find what  I  was looking  for.  Imagine my surprise when I  located it near Jaidurga  Officers Colony where I  was  staying.  

The rusty gate was locked and had not been opened  for long. I  jumped over the compound wall and felt uneasy even during broad daylight. Most of the headstones were broken and stolen since they were made of marble or granite.. Nobody seemed to care for the place.

I  found a stump of a headstone on one  of the graves with the letters RN and the date 17 Dec 71. The Madras Sapper Head insignia was also there. That was enough to confirm it .

I called up Sukhi who was commanding an Engineer  Regiment based nearby. He too confirmed  it . We set about renovating it with a new headstone and some tiles. 

But we were not sure if it would last as nobody else seemed  to be interested. But over the years there has been an effort to maintain  and look after it.

Thank you all for your efforts. God bless.RIP my friend.


Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2018 19:20
Subject: Re: [28th-Course-NDA] Re: Homage to 5169 F Capt RN Gupta VrC

KK and Mohinder,
We are indeed grateful to both of you and your units for taking care of the resting place of our dear friend RN. 
May he rest in eternal peace.
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2018 12:25
Subject: [28th-Course-NDA] Re: Homage to 5169 F Capt RN Gupta VrC

RN Gupta. Words fail me to even mention his name.. Emotions weigh heavily. One of our best pals. What a pity God snatched away a young life. So  full of life,  brilliant IQ. Loving friend. May his soul rest in peace. 

Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 11:07
Subject: Re: [28th-Course-NDA] Homage to 5169 F Capt RN Gupta VrC

Rest in Peace, Capt RN Gupta, Vr.C

Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 5:36
Subject: Re: [28th-Course-NDA] Re: Homage to 5169 F Capt RN Gupta VrC

RIP dear RN.
We miss you deeply.
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 5:25
Subject: [28th-Course-NDA] Re: Homage to 5169 F Capt RN Gupta VrC

RN was one of us dyed in wool Foxy. Thanks to MN Mahajan  and KK Nanda for locating the grave and renovation. Pse convey our thanks to CO 13  Punjab for all his contribution.
Cheers,Have A Good Day.
 Sharat Anand

Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2018 9:59
Subject: [28th-Course-NDA] Re: Homage to 5169 F Capt RN Gupta VrC

Dear Virender,
Thanks for your kind note. RN was a key member of our core group and a very close buddy in Fox Sqn in NDA. Most of us looked up to him with awe and admiration. He was one of the most intelligent and handsome among the group, full of talent and grace.
We fondly remember him and our  whole course feels very proud of him and his brave deeds. We both last met on 28 Oct 1971 at Meerut while we were both on way to the operational areas and chatted the whole night.
He was a great human being.
We will do our best in maintaining the area of his grave.
Presently my Battalion 13 Punjab (The unit I commanded) has taken up the responsibility to do so.
Do look us up when you visit India and be in touch. 
Best wishes 
KK Nanda 
5124 F
Mob 9811115954

On Tue, 18 Dec 2018 at 5:17, Virender Gupta <virengupta00@gmail.com> wrote:

Thank you so much for the remembrance ceremony and pictures.  They are indeed touching, difficult to believe that 47 years have by.
Best wishes to all!

Sent from my iPhone

Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 11:07
Subject: Fw: [28th-Course-NDA] Homage to 5169 F Capt RN Gupta VrC

Hello KK Nanda,

I am glad that reps of 13 Punjab could reach the Grave of RN with the help of details of location provided by me. Good work done Foxie buddy. 

9 Engineer Regiment would have sent a party as part of Basantar Day Celebrations.They had accepted my request to have a SOP on the subject.

Virender,  In addition to 9 Engr Regiment, we the course mates of RN will continue with our efforts to protect the grave. 

Mohinder Mahajan

----- Forwarded message -----
To: 28th-course-nda Course <28thcoursenda@yahoogroups.com>
Cc: Virender Gupta <virengupta00@gmail.com>; foxtrotsquadron@gmail.com <foxtrotsquadron@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, 17 December, 2018, 10:23:52 PM IST
Subject: [28th-Course-NDA] Homage to 5169 F Capt RN Gupta VrC

Dear CMs 
 Our brave course mate 5169 F Capt RN Gupta VrC laid down his life in the service of the nation this day (17 Dec ) in1971 in the Battle of Basantar. 
Homage was paid to him and wreath placed on behalf of our course on his grave at Garrison Graveyard Jammu today by my Battalion 13 Punjab (Jind).
RN Gupta was a brave handsome, intelligent  lovable 
noble soul whom we are all very proud of 
and miss him immensely. He was a close buddy and we have great memories of our friendship.
May God bless his soul 
Rest in eternal peace dearest buddy. We love you.
KK Nanda 
5124 F


Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2017 9:57
Subject: Re: [28th-Course-NDA] Fw: Grave of Martyr Capt RN Gupta, VrC

What a wonderful job you have done for our fallen comrade and friend.
5169 RN Gupta was such an affable and lovable person that even today it is hard to believe that he went the way he did although Jaspal Alag had described the episode to me soon after it actually happened. Our Regiments were part of the same Arty Bde with WAG Pinto as the GOC.
Thank you Mohinder.
Best regards


Sent: Monday, December 18, 2017 23:58
Subject: Re: [28th-Course-NDA] Fw: Grave of Martyr Capt RN Gupta, VrC

Hello Mohinder , 
                          Fond  memories of dear R N are alive in our hearts . Your contributions & efforts have ensured this for the posterity . God bless you ! 
                                                                                                                         With best wishes , Amar          

Sent: Monday, December 18, 2017 23:00
Subject: Re: [28th-Course-NDA] Fw: Grave of Martyr Capt RN Gupta, VrC

Dear CMs

I  served briefly in 9 ER in 1982 - 83.

In 1988 when I was posted in Jammu I decided to check if  RN was buried in any cemetery nearby.  I found that the Garrison Cemetery was only 200 m from the Officers Colony where I was staying.

 Since the gate was locked, I jumped over the boundary wall and started looking at the headstones of each grave. Many were broken and stolen. But on one broken headstone  I could see the Madras Sapper Head insignia and the letters RN and date 16 Dec 1971. I was saddened that  nobody had bothered about the grave of a brave young officer.
I knew this had to be RN's grave. I rang up Sukhi who was commanding an Engr Regt in Nagrota. He immediately came over and together we renovated the grave with a new headstone .

I met the 1971 war time CO of 9 Engr Regt who was now commanding a Division nearby. Surprisingly he showed no interest, nor did the then CO of 9 Engr Regt or Commandant of MEG & Centre or the local Station HQ.

But a few months later the new CO of 9 ER while passing thru Jammu assured me they would take care.

I am so happy that Mohinder took up the matter again recently . I helped them locate the grave again. I wonder in what state they found it after the 1988 renovation.

Thank you Mohinder !!!


Vivek Mundkur 


From: jaspal alag jsalag@gmail.com [28thcoursenda]
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2017 10:03
To: 28th-course-nda Course ; MOHINDER MAHAJAN
Subject: Re: Fw: Re: [28th-Course-NDA] Fw: Grave of Martyr Capt RN Gupta, VrC

A second look I wrote. Robin GUpta. U in capital  should have been small u instead. Any My apologies it should have abs correct
I return fron USA on 25 Dec and personally will apologies 

Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device

Sent: Monday, December 18, 2017 9:23
Subject: Re: Fw: Re: [28th-Course-NDA] Fw: Grave of Martyr Capt RN Gupta, VrC

We called him Robin. I thought that was his pet name. G has been written by mistake
My apologies  Thanks 
Jaspal s Alag

Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device

Sent: Monday, December 18, 2017 9:06
Subject: Fw: Re: [28th-Course-NDA] Fw: Grave of Martyr Capt RN Gupta, VrC

Thanks Jaspal for all the details. One correction please.
RN Gupta-----Ravinder Nath Gupta 
and NOT Robin G Gupta as mentioned by you.
Mohinder Mahajan

Sent: Monday, December 18, 2017 7:17
Subject: Re: [28th-Course-NDA] Fw: Grave of Martyr Capt RN Gupta, VrC

Dear course mates .
Memories of Robin GUpta are still fresh in my mind 
I was in 44Lt Regt during 71 war. Elements of my Regt were in mine Fd control org. On 16 Dec  9 Engr Regt was deployed on the bank of Basantar in vil Hamral They had been given to deploy the Regt in defensive posn after they had finished their task of mine clearing
I was OP offr with 9 Engr during this phase of the battle .At about 4 pm Engr Regt 2 ic Maj Choudhury (he was already awarded MVC )  came from Fd pk coy to meet his boys near my op loc. Capt RN Gupta was sitting in my trench with me.We used to meet often during practices of mine Fd control org .Maj Chaudhry stopped his  jonga about 50 yds short of our loc and blew horn.4-5 offrs 2-3 jco s and one or two NCOs got up from their trenches to meet him .My Bty Cdr Maj ps Bhandari. was in near by trench.suddenly I saw a slow moving missile crossing over us and next we heard a blast.Jonga had been spotted by hiding Pakis in sarkandas across the river
Jonga had been hit one second lt out of these was left rest all were martyred .We collected the pieces of these brave soldiers.We were on D4 net in commn with div hq.we informed the Div hq within mins Col Pandit and GOC VagPinto arrived and they sobbed like a child since the war was getting over few hours later. Robin and another Sikh offr were planning to go to England after few days He used to talk about this trip.This is irony of fate  God willed differently.
I am very happy that course mates are keeping the candle of love on.
Jaspal S Alag


Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2017 19:16
Subject: Re: [28th-Course-NDA] Fw: Grave of Martyr Capt RN Gupta, VrC

Thankyou very much Dear Sqn mates. our love for dear RN will never fade away. tears don't stop when I think of the cruelty  of fate for snuffing out such a young life for no rhyme or reason. He was oneof our best. may God  grant his soul eternal peace.vijaydeep(VD)

Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2017 18:16
Subject: Re: [28th-Course-NDA] Fw: Grave of Martyr Capt RN Gupta, VrC

Well done Mohinder. Your yeoman service and initiative in this noble cause is indeed laudable.
We fondly remember RN. Visualise his soul smiling down from heavens above.

Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2017 11:47
Subject: Re: [28th-Course-NDA] Fw: Grave of Martyr Capt RN Gupta, VrC

Dear Mohinder,
                         Thank you very much! 
It was a proud, albeit very poignant & moving  moment seeing the well maintained & honoured Grave of dear RN Gupta, VrC! 
He was my class-mate in 5th & 6th terms, & we were in Panipat Coy also, together, apart from my last year in Fox-trot Sqn. 
I had seen his Oil Painting portrait, made by Vivek Mundkur, in the Officer's Mess of 9 Engr Regt in 1999.
   The Regt, Corps of Engrs, chose for WET Review, of all Div Engr Regts, by ETRC, was this great regiment. My three days there, then were very memorable, particularly seeing RN's oil painting portrait!
Warm & fond regards,

Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2017 11:09
Subject: [28th-Course-NDA] Fw: Grave of Martyr Capt RN Gupta, VrC

Dear Course-mates

A self explanatory mail dated 15 Dec 2017 received from Maj Gen Surinder Sharma, ex CO 9 Engineer Regiment is forwarded. 

It gives me great satisfaction and happiness to note that 9 Engineer Regiment had accepted my request to make a kind of SOP on the subject. What better way than the Basantar Day (Regimental Day) to remember RN as we affectionately used to call him!

Mohinder Mahajan

----- Forwarded message -----
From: Surinder Sharma <surinshar@gmail.com>
To: Brig Mohinder Mahajan <mnmahajan@yahoo.com>
Sent: Friday 15 December 2017, 7:20:14 PM IST
Subject: Re: Grave of martyr Capt RN Gupta, VrC

The Regt offrs present in J&K did the honors on Capt Gupta's grave today (Basantar Day) Sending a few photos. 
Maj General Surinder Sharma

On 07-Mar-2017 05:55, "MOHINDER MAHAJAN" <mnmahajan@yahoo.com> wrote:
Dear Surinder,
My billion  thanks to you for the great achievement. You have done it and I am so grateful to you. Grave stone of Late Capt RN Gupta, Vr C has been done very nicely. My thanks to the Great 9 Engr Regt. I got the input from Col Vivek Pandey, CO also with whom I have been in touch. My reply to him is pasted below:-

Mohinder Mahajan

My Mail to CO dated 07 Mar 2017

Dear Vivek,
Thank you Vivek for Improvement of grave of Late Capt R N Gupta, Vr C of 9 Engr Regt who was martyred at Basantar during Indo Pak War 1971. RN as he was affectionately called, was not only my course-mate but a fellow foxie. We joined NDA on the same day in July 1962. We were also part of 416 Engr Bde in 1971. While 9 ER moved for operations from Lucknow, I as part of 201 ER moved from Allahabad. I met RN last in Oct 1971.  

Grave stone has been done very nicely by your very sincere efforts.Getting the work executed when your Regiment is thousands of miles away is a big achievement. All my course-mates in general and me in particular are grateful to you,the CO and the Regiment. Promise made by me to the course-mates before our course Golden Jubilee Celebrations at IMA Dehradun- June 2016 has been fulfilled. I am also grateful to Maj Gen Surinder Sharma, ex CO 9 Engineer Regiment who helped me in achieving the task.

May I request that some kind of SOP may be made for maintenance of grave in future.  

Brig M N Mahajan (Retd)
(Ex CO 16 Engineer Bridge Regiment (PMS)) 

Sent: Wednesday, March 8, 2017 17:14
To: C K Lowe
Subject: Re: [28th-Course-NDA] Improvement of grave of Late Capt R N Gupta, Vr C


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the fantastic job! That's what true friends are worth! RN was a wonderful course-mate, squadron-mate and a lovable person to top it all. As you must be aware he died a few hours before the ceasefire on the western front, which was one day after the ceasefire on the (then) East Pakistan front. May his soul rest in eternal peace!

Best regards,


Sent: Wednesday, March 8, 2017 10:40
Subject: Re: [28th-Course-NDA] Improvement of grave of Late Capt R N Gupta, Vr C

Mohinder, I second Arvind's sentiments. May God bless  you.

Regards                    CK 

Sent: Wednesday, March 8, 2017 1:07
Subject: Re: [28th-Course-NDA] Improvement of grave of Late Capt R N Gupta, Vr C

You army guys are too good yar !! BZ (Brevity Code for Well Done), Indian  Army Zindabad.
I still remember visiting MEG Center Officers Mess near my house  in Bangalore just a lil after the war & my reception thereof at the mess (not because who I  was -  2 bit Lt (IN) was but as CM & a  friend of RN !! One by 1, from 2nd Lt to Lt, Capt, Major, they all came in to the mess bar n joined me I had a beer with each n then when I was sloshed,  the 2 I/c came n broke the news to me.
RIP my friend RN
Regards, Venu

Sent: Tuesday, March 7, 2017 22:33
Subject: Re: [28th-Course-NDA] Improvement of grave of Late Capt R N Gupta, Vr C

Dear Mohinder, Very well done indeed. You and Vivek Mundkur have fulfilled a great desire of most of us. In fact some of his close buddies like me and others have carried a feeling of guilt all this while for not having done anything worthwhile in his memory /honour. You have put our mind to some rest. I was also in touch with his brother last year when I invited him for our Golden Jubilee on behalf of the course. Some of his snaps received from his brother , Virender along with my collection of his snaps were sent to Pradeep Sharma who I'm sure has put those in the course CD.  
RN Gupta was a handsome, intelligent noble soul who is the pride9 of our course in every possible way. May God bless his soul and may his soul rest in eternal peace. 
I am forwarding some of RN's snaps of NDA days in a separate email to take some of us down the memory lane with our loving buddy. 

Sent from my Samsung device

Sent: Tuesday, March 7, 2017 19:56
Subject: Re: [28th-Course-NDA] Improvement of grave of Late Capt R N Gupta, Vr C

Great job done Mohinder! We all are proud of you.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

Sent: Tuesday, March 7, 2017 15:40
Subject: Re: [28th-Course-NDA] Improvement of grave of Late Capt R N Gupta, Vr C

Dear Mohinder,
                     Am so proud of you!Thanks for informing us of this wonderful & noble gesture!
Ravindra Nath Gupta was not only my course-mate in Fox-Trot Sqn, albeit for 5th & 6th term, but we were also course-mates in Panipat Company in IMA.
As Chairman ETRC, I had visited 9 Engr Regt, for review of WET of all Std Inf Div Engr Regt WET!
There, I had seen his oil painting done by Vivek Mundkur in a place of honour in the Regtl Offrs Mess!
Great Show Sir, hats/ berets & peak caps off to you,

Sent: Tuesday, March 7, 2017 10:34
Subject: Re: [28th-Course-NDA] Improvement of grave of Late Capt R N Gupta, Vr C

Dear Mohinder

It is really great that you have got the final resting place of RN renovated once again. I hope  MEG , 9 ER and the local MES is aware of their responsibilities now and will continue to look after it. I think Army HQ should take note and issue orders for its upkeep. Please send them a letter too.

I discovered it in 1988 when I thought of looking for it at the Garrison Cemetery. Sukhi helped me to do the renovation that time. But I think it was again neglected and forgotten as the  Station HQ refused to take any responsibility.

RN  was awarded VrC and there is no excuse to neglect the grave of a war hero. 


Vivek Mundkur

Sent: Tuesday, March 7, 2017 12:33
Subject: Re: [28th-Course-NDA] Improvement of grave of Late Capt R N Gupta, Vr C

Well done, Ravi. We need to honour our departed coursemates. Proud of you.

Regards                   CK

Sent: Tuesday, March 7, 2017 12:20
Subject: Re: [28th-Course-NDA] Improvement of grave of Late Capt R N Gupta, Vr C

Proud of you Mohinder for accomplishing this noble task. Just like a Foxie.
We fondly remember RN. May his noble soul reside in eternal bliss !
                                                                                            Warm Regards,

Sent: Tuesday, March 7, 2017 11:45
Subject: Re: [28th-Course-NDA] Improvement of grave of Late Capt R N Gupta, Vr C

Very Honourable work undertaken. Regards. VPM

Sent from Outlook

Sent: Tuesday, March 7, 2017 11:47
Subject: Re: [28th-Course-NDA] Improvement of grave of Late Capt R N Gupta, Vr C

Wonderful that you and Vivek took so much trouble to locate and refurbish the last resting place of RN! Brings back fond memories of him and us, when we were newly weds at Pune in 1969-70. May his soul smile now as it rests in peace-God Bless!
Pradip Mehta

Sent: Tuesday, March 7, 2017 10:36
Subject: RE: [28th-Course-NDA] Improvement of grave of Late Capt R N Gupta, Vr C

Commendable work Mohinder

Sent: Tuesday, March 7, 2017 6:15
Subject: [28th-Course-NDA] Improvement of grave of Late Capt R N Gupta, Vr C [2 Attachments]

Dear Course-mates,
I have been at work since Mar 2016 for Improvement of grave of Late Capt R N Gupta, Vr C, our course-mate who was martyred at Basantar during Indo Pak War 1971. This was particularly after Vivek Mundkur informed us of the neglect of the grave. Photographs of the done up grave stone of RN at Jammu are attached.
I am sending the details to Virender Gupta, younger brother of RN settled in USA with whom I have been in touch.

I have no doubt that all course-mates in general and Foxies like me in particular will be fully satisfied. My mail to the present CO 9 Engr Regt, Col Vivek Pandey is appended below. 

Mohinder Mahajan (4953/F)

Subject: Improvement of grave of Late Capt R N Gupta, Vr C

Dear Vivek,
Thank you Vivek for Improvement of grave of Late Capt R N Gupta, Vr C of 9 Engr Regt who was martyred at Basantar during Indo Pak War 1971. RN as he was affectionately called, was not only my course-mate but a fellow foxie. We joined NDA on the same day in July 1962. We were also part of 416 Engr Bde in 1971. While 9 ER moved for operations from Lucknow, I as part of 201 ER moved from Allahabad. I met RN last in Oct 1971.  

Grave stone has been done very nicely by your very sincere efforts.Getting the work executed when your Regiment is thousands of miles away is a big achievement. All my course-mates in general and me in particular are grateful to you,the CO and the Regiment. Promise made by me to the course-mates before our course Golden Jubilee Celebrations at IMA Dehradun- June 2016 has been fulfilled. I am also grateful to Maj Gen Surinder Sharma, ex CO 9 Engineer Regiment who helped me in achieving the task.

May I request that some kind of SOP may be made for maintenance of grave in future.  

Brig M N Mahajan (Retd)
(Ex CO 16 Engineer Bridge Regiment (PMS)) 

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